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pi-component API


cid(1)Component ID, i.e., what should be display
name(2,3)Name of the component in the referenced micro frontend
source(2,3)Name of the micro frontend or URL to a micro frontend
format(3)Format of the micro frontend to load
remote-name(3)The name of the remote in case of Module Federation v1
remote-type(3)The type of the remote in case of Module Federation v1
dataThe data to forward to the component ("props")
frameworkThe framework to use for displaying the component
client(4)The client-side rendering hints for the component
fallback-template-idThe ID of a template to display as fallback

If (1) is used the other attribute groups (2 or 3) are not taken into consideration. If source is a URL leading to a new micro frontend, group (3) is also used. Otherwise, (3) has no effect.

(4) can be one of none (not rendered/hydrated on the client), load (default value, loaded as soon as possible), idle (loaded when the page is idle), or visible (loaded when the container becomes visible).


dataGets or sets the deserialized data ("props")

The serialized data is understood as a JSON string. It is deserialized using JSON.parse. Make sure to only provide valid objects here, otherwise the data will be discarded.


changed-dataChangedDataEventCalled when the data is changed
mounted-componentMountedComponentEventCalled when the component was fully mounted
unmounted-componentUnmountedComponentEventCalled when the component was fully unmounted

All events are emitted through the Picard.js event system.


interface ChangedDataEvent {
   * The currently deserialized data.
  current: any;
   * The currently available data serialization.
  data: string;
interface MountedComponentEvent {
   * The corresponding HTML element.
  element: HTMLElement;
interface UnmountedComponentEvent {
   * The corresponding HTML element.
  element: HTMLElement;

Released under the MIT License.